Command Line Parameters |
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-C configname BurnInTest will load the config file specified.
-D duration Sets the test duration to the value specified in minutes
-X duration
-d Enables debug mode which will create a debug.log file in the same directory as the BurnInTest executable
-S script Load the script file specified, the script will start automatically when using the option.
-R milliseconds Automatically start starts test after specified value in milliseconds
-J Cycle Disk test patterns between test files (when cyclic set). This option has been added to allow multiple test patterns to be used across very large disks, without waiting for the disk to be completely tested with one pattern before moving on to the next disk test pattern.
-K Keep the disk test data files on disk when an error is logged. Best used in conjunction with the "Stop on Error" option. This setting will also save the random data blocks used if running the "Random Data" and "Random Data and Seeking"disk tests.
-b blocksize Set disk test block size as KB (eg -b 16 is a 16384 byte block size).
-M Automatically display the Machine ID Window when BurnInTest is started. This can be useful in a production line scenario to allow the tester to enter test specific information in a more automated fashion.
-MGT [MachineID] Set the Configuration->Report information->MachineID value that is used as the main identifier in the Management console. This value will be used even if another MachineID has been saved as the default MachineID. [Machine ID] can be fixed text or a Linux environment variable that has been set. This ID needs to be a minimum of 8 characters long and can be a maximum of 15 characters. Characters should be alpha numeric and special characters avoided, invalid characters such as "< > & ' " " will be removed from the ID. For example: bit.exe -MGT MYMACHINEID bit.exe -MGT $MAC_ADDRESS